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دانلود کتاب، جزوه، تحقیق | مرجع دانشجویی

کتاب اصول و کاربردهای پردازش تصویر

کتاب اصول و کاربردهای پردازش تصویر








کتاب اصول و کاربردهای پردازش تصویر (Image Processing Principles and Applications)، مشتمل بر 452 صفحه، در 18 فصل، با فرمت PDF، به زبان انگلیسی، همراه با تصاویر به ترتیب زیر گردآوری شده است:

Chapter 1: Introduction

Fundamentals of Image ProcessingApplications of Image ProcessingHuman Visual PerceptionComponents of an Image Processing SystemOrganization of the bookHow is this book differentSummary

Chapter 2: Image Formation and Representation

IntroductionImage formationSampling and QuantizationBinary ImageThree-Dimensional ImagingImage file formatsSome Important NotesSummaryReferences

Chapter 3: Color and Color Imagery

IntroductionPerception of ColorsColor Space and TransformationColor Space Quantization and Just Noticeable DifferenceColor Interpolation or DemosaicingSummary

Chapter 4: Image Transformation

IntroductionFourier TransformsDiscrete Cosine TransformWalsh-Hadamard Transform (WHT)Karhaunen-Loeve Transform or Principal Component AnalysisSummary

Chapter 5: Discrete Wavelet Transform

IntroductionWavelet TransformsExtension to Two-Dimensional SignalsLifting Implementation of the DWTAdvantages of Lifting-Based DWT

Chapter 6: Image Enhancement and Restoration

IntroductionSpatial Image Enhancement TechniquesDistinction between image enhancement and restorationHistrogram based Contrast EnhancementFrequency Domain Methods of Image EnhancementNoise ModelingImage RestorationImage Reconstruction by Other MethodsSummary

Chapter 7: Image Segmentation

PreliminariesEdge DetectorEdge, Line, and Point DetectionImage Thresholding TechniquesRegion GrowingWaterfall algorithm for segmentationConnected component labelingDocument Image segmentationSummaryReferences

Chapter 8: Recognition of Image Patterns

IntroductionDecision Theoretic Pattern ClassificationBayesian Decision TheoryNonparametric ClassificationLinear Discriminant AnalysisUnsupervised Classification Strategies - clusteringK-Means Clustering AlgorithmSyntactic Pattern ClassificationSyntactic InferenceSymbolic Projection MethodArtificial Neural NetworksSummary

Chapter 9: Texture and Shape Analysis

IntroductionGray Level Cooccurrence MatrixTexture SpectrumTexture Classification using FractalsShape AnalysisActive Contour ModelShape Distortion and NormalizationContour-Based Shape DescriptorRegion Based Shape DescriptorsGestalt Theory of PerceptionSummary

Chapter 10: Fuzzy Set Theory in Image Processing

Introduction to Fuzzy Set TheoryWhy Fuzzy ImageIntroduction to Fuzzy Set TheoryPreliminaries and BackgroundImage as a Fuzzy SetFuzzy Methods of Contrast EnhancementImage Segmentation using Fuzzy MethodsFuzzy Approaches to Pixel ClassificationFuzzy c-Means AlgorithmFusion of fuzzy logic with neural networksSummary

Chapter 11: Image Mining and Content-Based Image Retrieval

IntroductionImage MiningImage Features for Retrieval and MiningFuzzy Similarity Measure in an Image Retrieval System Video MiningSummary

Chapter 12: Biometric And Biomedical Image Processing

IntroductionBiometric Pattern RecognitionFace Recognition Using EigenfacesSignature VerificationPreprocessing of Signature PatternsBiomedical Image AnalysisBiomedical Imaging ModalitiesX-Ray ImagingDental X-Ray Image AnalysisClassification of Dental CariesMammogram Image AnalysisSummary

Chapter 13: Remotely Sensed Multispectral Scene Analysis

IntroductionSatellite sensors and imageriesFeatures of Multispectral ImagesSpectral reflectance of various earth objectsScene Classification StrategiesSpectral classification-A knowledge-Based ApproachSpatial ReasoningOther Applications of Remote SensingSummary

Chapter 14: Dynamic Scene Analysis: Moving Object Detection and Tracking

IntroductionProblem DefinitionAdaptive Background ModelingConnected Component LabelingShadow DetectionPrinciples of Object TrackingModel of Tracker SystemDiscrete Kalman FilteringExtended Kalman FilteringParticle Filter Based object TrackingCondensation AlgorithmSummary

Chapter 15: Introduction to Image Compression

IntroductionInformation Theory ConceptsClassification of Compression algorithmsSource Coding AlgorithmsHuffman CodingArithmetic CodingSummary

Chapter 16: JPEG: Still Image Compression Standard

IntroductionThe JPEG Lossless Coding AlgorithmBaseline JPEG CompressionSummary

Chapter 17: JPEG2000 Standard For Image Compression

IntroductionWhy JPEG2000Parts of the JPEG2000 StandardOverview of the JPEG2000 Part 1 Encoding SystemImage PreprocessingCompressionTier-2 Coding and Bitstream FormationSummary

Chapter 18: Coding Algorithms in JPEG2000 Standard

IntroductionPartitioning Data for CodingTier-1 Coding in JPEG2000Tier-2 Coding in JPEG2000Summary

جهت خرید کتاب اصول و کاربردهای پردازش تصویر (Image Processing Principles and Applications)، به مبلغ استثنایی فقط 4000 تومان و دانلود آن بر لینک پرداخت و دانلود در پنجره زیر کلیک نمایید.

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